Independent Media

Telling the stories that matter

We all see the world through the lens of our own cultural prisms. The stories that surround us provide the framework for our understanding, our values, our beliefs. In Russia, the diversity of information shared across society has diminished, narrowing public discourse and limiting people’s perceptions.

That’s why we fund programmes to support a free press.

Thriving communities are built on a plurality of viewpoints and perspectives. It requires media that evaluate political events and encourage critical thought and open debate. The Russian people need access to objective information to improve the quality of public discourse and strengthen society’s engagement.

Our ‘Independent Media’ programme encourages journalists to cover stories outside the mainstream narrative, fight disinformation and broaden perspectives. We support a wide range of work from citizen journalists, to regional news and investigative pieces.

Do you have important stories to tell? Stories that matter? If so, we want to hear from you.

Start your application today.

An educated civil society emerges from access to a diverse range of information and ideas. In Russia, we need new stories and new voices more than ever.